The Wise Bird is always ready, willing and prepare to give out credible, accurate and uncontested information to the people to avoid speculation.
As the people have a lot of respect and confidence in the brave bird he will never disappoint them.
The bird was at his usual seating place, when he received a letter dated 4th November, 2024 from the Sierra Leone Teachers’ Union (SLTU).
According to the letter, the Sierra Leone Teachers’ Union (SLTU) wrote to the Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education drawing the Ministry’s attention on certain issues.
From the content of the letter, the Union is asking the government to pay schools fees subsidies for third term 2023 and first term 2024 respectively.
Furthermore, the Union has given the government of Sierra Leone a twenty-one (21) day strike notice, failing to adhere to the letter, Teachers nation-wide will be left with no alternative but to down tools.
From what has been operating within the government circle, the most respected animal is in no way sympathizing with the government, the government knew that the State is at present cash trapped, but day-in-day-out President Bio is appointing people to NEW positions.
The brave bird is of the view that, NEW appointments go with heavy salary, allowance and other emoluments to continue killing the economy.
So, if the government cannot pay subsidies to schools is no surprise at all to the people.
From all indications, the much talked about Free Quality Education (FQE) is gradually fading out because if government cannot pay schools subsidies, schools authorities will force parents to pay what they called extra charges to run the schools.
The bird flew all the way to Hotel 5-10 to talk to the Secretary General of the Union, but was told that, the Secretary was out of the building.
On his way coming (the bird) he met with one of the schools authorities (name withheld) he said they are working under very difficult conditions.
Some Teachers are not on pay role; we used the school subsidies to assist them.
The bird contacted some public workers; they said sooner or later parents will start to pay school fees for their children because the government cannot pay subsidies to the schools.
The Free Quality Education (FQE) is fading out parents cried to the wise bird.