The Director of Crime Service, in the Sierra Leone Police, Commissioner Joseph Lahai has said in Freetown that they recorded thirty thousand four hundred and ninety one (30,491) criminal and road crashes cases that were reported to the thirty six 36) Police Divisions nationwide and investigated for 2023.
Of this figure, 18,988 cases were reported in the entire Western Area, 5,180 from the Northern Region, 3,275 from the Southern Region and 3,048 in the Eastern Region.
Launching the 2023 Crime Statistics report at Police Headquarters yesterday, Commissioner Lahai disclosed that the Western Area is prone to criminal activities followed by the Northern Region.
He said the police recorded considerable reduction in crime rate nationwide, adding that homiside, robbery and robbery with aggravation cases are reported in all thirty six Police Divisions in the country.
He said 10,063 sexual, domestic and child cases were reported at the Family Support Unit (FSU) nationwide, adding that 739 cases were charged to Court. Mr. Lahai said 3,953 traffic cases were also recorded nationwide. He assured the people of Sierra Leone that the country is safe and that they are assured of their protection. He noted that there has been a marked improvement in their work due to the disciplinary measures the Institution continues to take on its personnel. He said they have embarked on series of community engagements aimed at bringing the people on board in the maintenance of law and order. He said they have a responsibility to maintain law and order, arrest, investigate and prosecute crime offenders before the competent court of law.
In his contribution, the Director of Professional Standards, AIG Sahr Yomba Senesie said the police has the constitutional mandate to protect life and property and maintain law and order in the country.