By Ibrahim Karim Bangura (Tanko)
As part of their continuous engagement to promote the Deaf Association in the country, Women Advocacy Network Sierra Leone (DWAN-SL) together with Hope for Deaf Africans United Kingdom (UK) in collaboration with the Ministry of Social Welfare (MoSW) has concluded a three-day leadership training skills from the 6th -8th March, 2024.
The three days leadership development program which was meticulously designed to enhance essential leadership skills to equip deaf leaders with the actual tools needed to excel in their careers in sports was held at the conference room of the Ministry of Social Welfare, New England Ville in Freetown.
In her welcome address, the Executive Director of DWAN-SL, Musu Golley, informed participants on the need to have practical knowledge on leadership trainings and have some transformative experiences.
Madam Golley informed the gathering that the three days leadership development program will focus on delegation, team management, effective communications and decision-making and sportsmanship.
She said Deaf community in Sierra Leone has been working hard but no progress was made due to division and hatred for selfish interest, especially when it comes to national issues and other stuff.
She admonished participants to be more proactive and effective in discharging their tasks. Noting that Government through the Ministry of Social Welfare, Ministry of Finance and the Disability Commission needs a kudos for championing the affairs of deaf victims but also cautioned some unscrupulous individuals who are in the habit of damaging the image of deaf victims.
Adding that the three days session aim at empowering leaders by providing them with the practical insights fostering collaborations and enhancing strategic planning.
“I hope that after these three days sessions, all deaf leaders will gain valuable knowledge and skills which will positively impact on their team or organization,” Madam Musu Golley informed affiliates.
Explaining the meaning of leadership, director Yankey said a leader is someone who makes changes to happen positively, adding that a leader always takes control or influences others over something they are passionately about to implement.
In his quick updates on the disability Act 2011, the President of the Sierra Leone National Association of the Deaf (SLNAD), Pa Alhaji Rahman urged the Deaf Community to respect their leaders at all levels.
“Without unity and peace, the disability community will never succeed. We have to unite for national development despite the different mindsets,” Alhaji Rahman urged.
Pa Alhaji Rahman further said government through the disability commission has always been neglecting the affairs of deaf victims, adding that government knows about the disability Act but they has not working on it.
He expressed his dismayed to the Ministry of Social Welfare and the Disability Commission for not disseminating valuable information regarding the disability act since it was established in 2011.
He said as leaders they have been educating their membership about the Disability Act but government should cascade the messages far and wide so that many people will be more opportune to access the act.
Speaking on behalf of the Sierra Leone National Deaf Football Federation, the President, and Madam Ramatu Theresa Sesay noted that before now her organization had participated in several international deaf football tournaments and recently they were able to retain second position in Abidjan during the African Deaf football tournament last year. Madam Sesay said the issue of teaching in sign language has been her top most priority but because according to her most of their members are marginalized in all government facilities due to lack of sign language teachings methods being applied.
In her final statement, he commended the sponsors.