Nineteen years old Frank John Langba, unemployed, made another appearance before Magistrate Sahr Kekura of Pademba Road Court No.1 in Freetown on a count of burglary and larceny contrary to section 25 (1) and 13 (a) of the Larceny Act 1916.
According to the particulars of offense, on Tuesday 2nd July, 2024 at #73 Balla Drive Regent, Road Lumley, the Western area in Freetown, with intent to steal broke and entered into the dwelling house of Fatmata Binta Bangura and stole therein one forty two inches plasma TV, two speakers and physical cash of one thousand five hundred leones, all to the total value of six thousand two hundred and fifty leones (6,250) property of Fatmata Binta Bangura.
When the charge was read and explained to the accused, no plea taken.
The prosecutor Brima Kargbo called three witnesses in evidence including the formal who tendered various exhibits respectively.
The accused was unrepresented and he cross examined the prosecution witnesses.
in his ruling, Magistrate Kekura said the accused in his first statement denied the allegations but later admitted to the allegations that he indeed jumped into a Church compound and noticed that the complainant’s window was weak and then removed and entered into the room of the complainant where he carted away the property.
In that light, he was convinced that the prosecution established sufficient evidence against the accused to warrant the committal of the matter to the High Court pursuant to section 120 of the Criminal Procedure Act No.32 of 1965 whilst the bail continues.