The Wise Bird loves reading newspapers, listens to radio and Television (TV) to be more acquainted with the issues of the day.
During the process of reading the newspapers, the bird came across a newspaper which says, “APC IS ANGRY”.
The question the Wise Bird would like to ask is that, why should APC be angry?
According to the newspaper, the National Secretary General of the All People’s Congress (APC) party Lawyer Lansana Dumbuya is not happy with the present situation…., he has out-rightly condemned the recent approval of Millennium Challenge Co-operation (MCC) funds to the administration of President Julius Maada Bio.
His anger according to what the bird gathered is still centered on the June 24th 2023 elections which he said were rigged at every stage.
He also talked about the implementation of the tripartite recommendations that are yet to be materialized.
According to Lawyer Dumbuya, the MCC funds should reflect genuine progress, but not a process that is questionable to the eyes of the outside World.
The MCC goes with benchmarks and not people who do not have disregard and respect for democracy should get it, he said.
He went further to say that, the approval of MCC at a time like this is very much premature, and it will continue to encourage un-democratic actions in the sub-region.
It is a fact that, Lawyer Dumbuya has all the rights to condemn the action of those who gave approval for the money to be given, if at all it has been given.
The wise bird has different views to his argument, if he is to blame, he should not blame the SLPP in totality because they did not just grab the money, but it was given to them by an authorized body.
Lawyer Dumbuya knows very well that, the International Community sometimes plays double role in doing things, they blow hot and cold air at interval.
The International Community knows that, the election was allegedly rigged, they also know that the implementation of the tripartite is yet to take off the ground, they also know that the country is not stable, they also know that the document signed at Bintumani Hotel has not been fully implemented, they know all of these things yet they went ahead to approve the MCC.
Lawyer Dumbuya, so the SLPP or the International Community who do you blame?
The Wise Bird is of the view that, we should always try to call things by their correct and proper names.
The APC should be ANGRY with those who gave the approval for the MCC fund but not the SLPP.