President Julius Maada Bio’s Chief Minister, Moinina Sengeh, has disclosed that, “The vision of the Government is to ensure that the country achieves 100% 3G coverage across the country.”
He made the disclosure on Tuesday 9th January 2024, during the weekly government press conference organised at the Administrative Building at the Ministry of Foreign Affair’s conference room, Tower Hill in Freetown.
According to the Chief Minister, 3G should be minimum internet coverage in the entire country.
“For example, if you are using 5G and later visits any village the least network you should connect to is 3G.”
In a related development the Chief Minister assured the public that everything inside the Agreement for National Unity will be implemented.
He clearly stated that all 8 of the resolutions are under implementation.
Chief Minister stated that the Feed Salone Project is on track and the focus is to ensure that government reduces the importation of rice in the country.
According to the Chief Minister, by next year, 20% of rice is set for prison and police will ensure it is locally produced. That, he said, will continue until it reaches 100%.
The Chief Minister also talked about the World Bank’s $65 million direct budgetary support to help boost the economy and also highlighted several gains in the energy sector such as the MCC compact, Newton power generation, and the Western Area Power Generation Project.
He also disclosed that Sierra Leone will be hosting WAEC meetings, adding that in March Sierra Leone will be hosting International WAEC Summit and the country will be serving as the chair of WAEC next meetings of that summit.