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The wise bird will continue to turn the pages of the Audit Report of 2022 to let the people he represents to know about issues of national interest.
The brave bird was quick to turn to page 330 of the report and saw a caption titled OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT-2022, and a sub-caption titled Bank Withdrawals without Supporting Documents.
According to the report, the wise bird saw that, the Office of the President contravenes section 100(1) of the PFMRs of 2018.
The brave bird further noticed from the report that, bank withdrawal totaling SLE 22,370,463 was made from the Lungi Bridge feasibility study account.
The said amount was later paid to the Atepa Group for Lungi Bridge feasibility study and to the supervisory consultancy for the construction of the new Airport.
All payments, according to the report, were without payment vouchers and supporting documents.
On page 331 of the same report, a sub-heading titled ‘SPECIAL IMPREST ON OVERSEAS TRAVEL’ was said not to have been retired.
The report further states that, details and records in respect of special imprest for out-of-pocket totaling US$240,000 and £70,000 expended by the office on overseas traveling were not made available for inspection the report says.
On the same page the report went further to say that, during the verification, US$240,000and £70,000 amount totaling US$143,000 and £60,000 representing 67% of the queried amount were verified, leaving a balance of US$97,000 and £10,000.
And, according to the report, the issues were still being partially resolved.