Bra Parrot is all over the place trying to get the correct and accurate number of Ministers and Deputies in the brand new Cabinet of President Maada Bio’s government in a small country like Sierra Leone.
On the 15th July 2023, the brave bird saw a press release signed by the Secretary to the President of a final list of 57 appointees of which 47 are Cabinet Ministers and Deputies.
Bra Parrot noticed that, the initial number announced was 17 at first adding to 57 of the last Cabinet list that was issued. In all, there are 64 Ministers and Deputies holding positions.
The brave bird noticed that, there are 35 Ministers and 29 Deputies making a total of 64 in a poor Country like Sierra Leone. Bra Parrot is not against the appointment of Ministers and Deputies, the problem with the brave bird is the higher number of people in the Executive taking into consideration the present worsening economic situation in the Country.
Bra Parrot is reliably informed that, when the Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) was in the opposition, they were strongly opposing the Cabinet of former President Ernest Bai Koroma of having the biggest Cabinet in the sub-region.
But, the worse seems to exist now under the Bio-led administration. At the moment, some Ministries have been divided to create more Ministries by way of getting jobs for the boys at the detriment of the country’s economy.
In the 64 member Cabinet, each Minister and Deputy will be entitled to very big salary, fuel allowance, rent allowance, credit facility and a lot of other facilities at the expense of the State.
What the brave bird is saying is that, a Pastor cannot be telling his/her congregation not to tell lies, but in the reverse turn the Pastor is also telling lies. Before this time, the SLPP was crying for a bloated Cabinet undertaken by the Koroma’s administration. Today, the SLPP Cabinet is higher than the sky and bigger than the World.
So, in life one must take time in kicking against certain irregularities, so that you mighty not fall victim one day.
Bra Parrot was able to find-out that, former President Koroma’s Cabinet from 3rd December 2010-to 4th January 2013 was having 44 for both Ministers and Deputies.
At present, the Bio’s administration has a total of 64 Ministers and Deputies with a difference of 20 Ministers and Deputies to that of the Koroma’s Cabinet between 2010 and 2013.