The forthcoming general elections have been described by political commentators as one that far beyond the reach of incumbent president Bio and his bitter rival Dr. Samura Kamara, because the people desperately need a saviour to save the economy from the prey of corruption and deliberate embezzlement by state officials.
The 2023 elections is not about the two billion proposed Lungi Bridge that president Bio told citizens that his New Direction administration will construct within the twinkle of an eye, but about the vulnerable conditions of living by the masses.
The extension or expansion of the Lungi airport is welcome news, but that is not what citizens were yearning for as 270 airport workers have already been sacked which is piling more burdens on families and their households. Citizens are demanding that president Bio rather than bringing in Summa Group of company from Turkey to rehabilitate the airport, he should have worked very hard to boost agriculture locally in a bid to stop the incessant importation of the country’s staple food, rice.
Despite launching the free education with no quality attached, the real deal is that education is a lifetime priority which the new direction administrators should not use as a yard stick to measure their achievements in their five years of governance. Education without quality and standard teachers is very daunting because the ones who hold the quality are not taken too seriously. Teachers are not paid on time and with a meager salary that is scarcely enough to take to their family needs and with no incentives to boost their teaching morale.
The current situation is food on the table; the people are hungry president Bio. Sierra Leoneans cannot get a square meal per day despite all their efforts and sweats in making sure that they too live a better life. The runaway currency coupled with hyper-inflation has caused double trouble for the collapsed economy.
Basically, the 2023 elections will be based purely on the current trend of the economy which the people will decide either president Bio to go or stay but the people are generally calling for a change of regime because they believe the incumbent president have failed to fix the economy, which he used to blame the APC for not living up to the people’s expectations.
After he has failed to revive the economy with all his bookish economic theories that did not actualize the dream of president Bio, the Bank Governor Prof. Kallon was fired at the eleventh hour of facing the exit door. Umpteen times citizens have been urging president Bio to relieve the sleeping old man from that all two important position in government.
The general citizenry is very anxious and eager to know what campaign messages both the SLPP and APC have for the people and what change they will bring towards booming the economy.
Dr. Samura Kamara is the big elephant in the room now that he has been elected this time to be APC stand bearer; the people are expecting a radical but positive approach this time if he wants to take the hot seat at State House from the hands of president Bio. Because ever since he has been elected, there has been no campaign or good will message to let citizens know his dream and vision for the country. Many have described Dr. Samura as cold as an ice block that can easily be crushed by the regiments of the SLPP. The real time for Samura Kamara to act is now as we have barely three month towards casting of votes.
The media or campaign team of Dr. Samura should be seen engaging on radio and television programmes propagating the goodwill and campaign message of their candidate to let the people know his purpose for the nation.
The citizens believe that Dr. Samura as a technocrat and economist that have worked with successive regimes ranging from the National Provisional and Ruling Council (NPRC) where he served as Financial Secretary, the SLPP Kabbah’s regime to the APC regime of former president Ernest Bai Koroma, knows the internal problem of Sierra Leone’s economy. Some political scientists have said that it is only Dr. Samura with a wealth of the country’s economic knowledge will be able to give a quick fix towards the downward trend of the economy.
But most people also have the perception that Dr. Samura has been part of governance with both the SLPP and APC so therefore he is part of the problem if the country’s economy is steadily wobbling to get a foot hold stand.