The patriotic, uncompromising and fearless animal has been following all the elections conducted under the Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) and their outcome.
Almost all the elections conducted by the SLPP have been witnessed by the Wise Bird and saw them and what the outcome of those elections were.
The June 24, 2023 elections topped all the other elections in the history of this country in terms of alleged corruption, lack of credibility and the like.
Take for instance: the Sierra Leone Teachers’ Union elections, the Motor-Drivers’ Union elections, the Bye-elections, Okads Union elections, the Kekek riders Union elections, the mamy Queens barracks elections and of late the Sierra Leone Bar Association elections all of these elections are full of controversies to the letter.
The Wise Bird only hopes that, the Sierra Leone Reporters Union’s election will not be tampered with by politicians.
From what the Wise Bird understood, all the other organizations, Unions took it lightly and accepted the outcome.
But the brave bird can say here that, with the Sierra Leone Bar Association (SLBA) they knew what they stood for and did not take it lightly at all with the govrnment.
A fraction of the Bar Association that is the aggrieved party (Lawyers) has given a 30 days ultimatum to convene an Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the year 2023 by a caretaker board appointed at the EGM.
However, the meeting was very chaotic at Brookfields Hotel, the Lawyers present resolved to remove the 2023 directors of the Bar Association led by Eddinia Micheals Swallow.
According to what the Wise Bird understood, the Lawyers have appointed Lawyer E. Shears Moses, Musa N. Kamara, Elvis Kargbo, Basita Micheal and Rhoda Suffian- Kargbo as a five (5) member caretaker Board of senior members of the Bar with a minimum of 15 year experience to guide the SLBA.
The Wise Bird went out as usual to sound the views of people on the outcome of the Bar Association, all those the bird spoke with, expressed dismay over the outcome of that election.
As most of the people put the blame squarely on the government as every election the government has its own candidate that the government supports.
Others went further to say that, Madam Tuma Gento Kamara did not win the election; she was imposed by the Chief Returning Officer Mr. Francis Ben Kaifala.
The Wise Bird is not a Lawyer, but he loves to see transparency in every quarter, the two aggrieved Candidates have stood their ground to see that, the right thing been done in, and within the Bar Association.
The Wise Bird only hopes that, the Sierra Leone Association of Journalists (SLAJ) will not do as other Associations did.