The main opposition All People’s Congress (APC) have decided not to take part in any governance activities with the incumbent Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) following its refusal to accept the outcome of the June 24th general elections which it has regarded as skewed.
However, if this decision holds, it is going to be not only a tough one, but rather, a bitter pill especially for its new entrants who are coming in as Parliamentarians, Mayors, Chairmen/Chairwomen and councilors to swallow, considering the struggle (finance…) many of them must have gone through to get elected
These new members are not expected in any way to openly challenge their party’s decision, but equally so, many believed they’re totally not going be happy considering the fact that the expectations of their constituents are high.
The party may have raised genuine concerns, that demand swift and adequate answers, but calling on it members to boycott all governance activities could be calamitous for both country and its members, given the fact that if the decision takes hold, will have to keep these affected members out of job for another years which is unquestionably a very long time in every respect.
And the big question now remains how the families, friends and supporters of these affected politicians have to react to this decision? So only time will tell.