There has been an insistence public outcry for President Bio’s intervention in the negativities of the ministry of education which has over the years become a bone in the flesh of development of this country.
This demand stemmed from the endless problems that heads of schools have been exposed since President Bio assumed power using education as his SLPP led government flagship program where colossal monies from both national and international arena are being directed in that direction.
Despite the tremendous sacrifices by our President and some of his loyal cohorts, the ministry is still full of multifarious problems which is why the disgruntled populace are urgently yearning for his intervention to haul some of those rotten eggs that are not leaving to public expectation. For quite some times there has been a brawl amongst the West Africa Exams Councils (WAEC) the Government of Sierra Leone, school authorities and the candidates on various issues bothering on leakages of question papers, exams malpractices, withholding and seizure of results. Amidst the fact that Government has an undoubted stake in the operations of WAEC, yet, this ugly scenario has been going for many years unabated and has in many instances impacted the country negatively in so many spheres, ranging from debarring progress of victims to pursue further causes which will invariably create an academic setback to them if pass WAEC exams. Added to the economic waste, parents of victims of pupils that face the brunt of WAEC always feel bad as equal as their pupils when they fail. The most disgusting situation is that government too has always portrayed naive attitude to handle the issue as expected.
Recently, WAEC held on results of so many candidates of many schools for so many allegations ranging noncompliance to payment of monies especially those schools that were punished by WAEC not their exams in their school center and were compulsively transferred to another approved centers to write the past exams and were supposed to foot bill for any financial incursion coupled with other allegations got the hell out of the punishment. And on these days nothing has been done to by government to stop future occurrence. As if these are all not enough, even the ACC focuses more on schools than any other government entities in this country. Many citizens that are aware of the unfolding scenario are bewildered about the role of CPSS, TSC, SLTU and other bodies that are concerned with the operations of particularly the ministry of education and it’s affiliates bodies. “Until president Bio realizes that his good effector of using education as a driving force to hammer home sustainable development in this country is being thwarted by some individuals in these institutions for which they need to be weeded out immediately or he will find it extremely difficult to achieve his aim. Let him forget about the big paper title, oversea paper qualifications, political connection and any other affiliation and put the right people in the right place in that vital ministry who will be able change the dynamics of public outcry either from WAEC or the ministry of education.
The current intimidation of principles from government is the condition of admission of pupils who passed the Basic School certificate exams (BSCE) to be admitted into senior secondary schools. Government condition stipulated that Principles should be allocated with two pairs of uniforms at the cost of four hundred thousand Leons le400, only without any other extra charges such as school colors, sport feels and needful books that will help the pupils in some subjects. “This will surely boomerang on the free quality education initiative if we the parents’ fail to intervene for the sake of our pupils,” one concerned parent lamented.