Presidential Advisers who provide counsel on governance issues have proposed a range of interventions that will urbanize districts and engender national transformation.
The interventions are as follows: Relocate some MDAs to regional and district headquarters; separate the Health Service Commission from the civil service; employ health providers at regional level; locate a university in every region to superintend over district community colleges within the region; locate at least a factory in every district; build houses in each district for public servants to be bought through a mortgage system; NGOs to be operational in regions of preferred interest; embassies to be located in regional cities; expand the Western Area (Urban and Rural) administrations into Boroughs each with its own Mayoral administration; and establish a Regional Transport Authority.
As a first step towards actualizing this vision, the Presidential Advisers led by Prof. Alpha Tejan Wurie had started conversations with diverse groupings including political leaders, MPs, CSOs, the media, academics, etc.
The aim is to solicit their perspectives, comments and recommendations with regards to the socio-economic benefits of the aforementioned interventions in district and regional headquarters in the country.
This bold initiative is viewed as a pathway to political stabilization and urbanization of regional cities in order to make citizens in the provinces feel part of the governance of the state given that they will be accessing critical social services without having to come all the way to Freetown considering the physical and financial implications.
Furthermore, it will enhance job creation, infrastructural development and technological advancement nationwide, among other benefits, and also significantly reduce rural-urban migration.
The conversations will continue and ultimately culminate in a policy that will be implemented to the letter.