By Mohamed Kamara
Sources close to the office of the Director of Lands and Survey Mr. Tamba Dauda has intimidated that in consultation with the Minister of Lands, Housing and Country Planning Dr. Senesi Turad and the Permanent Secretary Mr. Fofanah, the Director has transferred top Senior Surveyors to head the offices in Regional and District Headquarters.
Among those transferred are Mr. Noah Fofanah who will head the Makeni Regional Office, Mr. Sorie Bangura has been transferred to Kailahun District Mr. Sorie Limba Bangura to Bonthe and some changes have also been made in Kambia and Bo Districts. The source informed that Mr. Yaya Kamarakeh has also been transferred to the Lands Ministry Surveys Office at New England Villa.
The source said the Director of Lands and Survey’s wants to ensure sanity at the Ministry in respect of President Bio’s 2023 manifesto and the Minister’s commitments to ensure that he leaves an incomparable legacy not only for being the first to give State Land to the poor of the poorest but also to show case President Bio’s ideals which strongly advocates for inclusivity in the implementation of State functions without ethnic, political or otherwise affiliations. The source furthered that the Minister is also committed to members of his staff who manifest professionalism righteously.
Upon hearing the transfers at the Ministry, most village headman at the Peninsular from Goderich to Bureh Town and others in the Western Rural from Kerry Town to Timbo Village have commended the Director for his rapid intervention to frustrate the effects of President Bio’s governance in offering State Land free of cost to the poor of the poorest. They revealed that most the Senior Surveys of the Ministry transferred had serious problems and a group calling themselves the Young Generation Loyal to the Ruling SLPP government who are acting as volunteers to monitor the State Lands offered to beneficiaries.
They accuse Senior Surveys especially those among the transfer list of engaging with the Military who acted without due notice to their superiors and the OSD personnel to grab lands already distributed by issuing off documents of possession to their clients. The say the Young Generation had made several complaints to the Minister and the Director on numerous occasions, they said it came as no surprise to them for the transfers and believe that that these actions will go a long way to minimise complains forwarded to the Ministry from disgruntled beneficiaries.