By Ibrahim Karim Bangura (Tanko)
Report reaching Africa24 has revealed that the Minister of Higher and Technical Education, Dr. Ramatulai Wurie has been alleged of illegally violates Universities Act, of 2021 for reasons best known to her. Inside source, however told this medium that the Minister single handily appoints and imposing a new Vice-Chancellor and Principal on the University of Sierra Leone (USL) without the approval of the University Court and Commission. On Wednesday, 04-01-2024, Africa24 bureau made all reasonable effort to reach Dr. Ramatulai Wurie on her Whatspp contact number +23276950212 in a bid to get her own side of the matter but she refused to comments on the allegation.
According to section 8.(2) A Vice-Chancellor and Principal under subsection (1), shall be appointed by the Chancellor on the advice of the Minister on such terms and conditions as the Court may determine. (3) The advice of the Minister under subsection (2) shall be based on the recommendation of a joint search Committee of the Court and the Commission. (5) Where the office of the Vice-Chancellor and Principal is vacant or, if for any reason, he is unable to perform the duties of his office, the Pro Vice-Chancellor shall perform the duties of the Vice-chancellor and Principal until the Vice-Chancellor and Principal resumes his duties or another is appointed to that seat.
Section 9(1) The University shall have a Pro Vice-Chancellor who shall be appointed by the Court from among the Deputy Vice Chancellors of the University.
(2) A Pro Vice-Chancellor appointed under subsection (1), shall hold office for a term of 3 years and shall be eligible for reappointment for a further term of 2 years only.
However, on 11th December 2023, the Minister of Technical Higher Education appointed Professor Lawrence Kamara as the “Acting Vice-Chancellor and Principal (VC&P) of University of Sierra Leone contrary to Sections 8(2), (5) & 9(1) of the Universities Act, 2021.
Adding that the new Acting VC&P appointed by the MTHE has past his retirement age, which is 65, he was Deputy Vice Chancellor of Fourah Bay College and our source at USL states that, his appointment was not renewed in 2022 after 15 out of the 20 USL Court members present in the meeting voted against him on the grounds of his age and incompetence, inter alia. Until he was appointed Acting VC&P, Prof Lawrence Kamara was a lecturer in the Department of Statistics at FBC, a position he can serve until the age of 70.
Meanwhile, the Minister of Higher and Technical Education has no powers to appoint a new VC&P; that power lies within the purview of the Chancellor of the USL who is also Chairman of the USL Court, the highest administrative decision-making body of the University. The Minister therefore acted ultra vires (beyond her powers).
Even though, the Act is very clear in Section 8(5) that in the absence of the substantive Vice-Chancellor and Principal, a Pro Vice-Chancellor (provided for in Section 14(2) (b) performs that role/function.
Furthermore, the Act is very clear in Section 9(1) on the appointment of a Pro Vice-Chancellor – that he/she must be appointed from among the existing Deputy Vice Chancellors of FBC, IPAM, and COMAHS.
It is important to note that there is a sitting Pro Vice-Chancellor, who by law should act in the absence of the substantive VC&P until the USL Court and Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) put together a search committee for the appointment of a new VC&P as referenced in Section 8(3) of the Act. Every holder of the post (VC&P) shall retire at the age of 65 years unless the Court says otherwise.
As the sage continues, many saw the appointment of Professor, Lawrence Kamara as Acting VC&P of the USL by the MTHE is therefore illegal!
At present, there are two people acting as Vice Chancellor and Principal of USL right now – the one appointed unilaterally by the Minister of Technical and Higher Education and the Pro Vice-Chancellor recognized by the University Court in accordance with the Universities Act of 2021.
Nonetheless, alumnus have expressed concern over the issue they say the Minister wants to bully the University Court/Chancellor by: making an appointment without having the power to do so and appointing someone that is not qualified by passing the retirement age and is outside the circle of the Deputy Vice Chancellors (DVCs) of FBC, IPAM and COMAHS according to the Universities Act, 2021. Speaking to the Director of Public Relations of USL, Mr. James Tamba Labbia, he said the matter is presently in front of the University Court for the right thing to be done, adding that the matter will resolved with almost equality.