As we continue our investigation into the mineral wealth fund affair, we have uncovered additional details about Igor Siberud, the leader behind the scam to undo the well-meaning intentions of President Bio.
Siberud wants to hijack the mineral wealth fund to enrich himself and a few greedy politicians who are supporting him.
In the summary of his Curriculum Vitae, which he is parading around with, he described himself as follows:
“Seasoned executive with a proven track record of transforming state-owned industrial assets into profitable entities. “Specialized in governance, financial metrics, and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Exceptional ability to collaborate with multiple stakeholders, including government bodies and NGOs. Committed to social responsibility, sustainability, and international legal frameworks.”
However, there is no verifiable evidence that he has ever worked with any government on matters remotely related to managing critical national assets or mineral wealth funds.
Also his claim to have “negotiated stakeholder interests” during the Zambia Sovereign Debt Crisis could not be verified.
Even if as a country we are not looking to have a Sierra Leone Mineral Wealth Fund or Sovereign Wealth crisis, we may not need this man’s expertise, if at all he has it, in that area.
Furthermore, he claimed that between 2018 and 2020 he did several works for the partially Uzbekistani state-owned company, UzmetKombinat, ranging from geological work to mine management and environmental management.
However, there is nothing in his CV to suggest that he has the education or training or experience to do those jobs.
In fact, talking about education, the highest verifiable qualification in his CV is a High School Diploma from the Leysin American High School in Switzerland.
He claimed to have studied Business Management and Administration at Touro College Berlin in Germany from 2005 to 2009 but never stated what degree or qualification he graduated with.
There is no doubt that if he, indeed, has a degree or any other qualification, he would have stated it on his CV.
The thing that is worrying most Sierra Leoneans now is this high school diploma holder is parading around as the Chief Executive Officer of the Sierra Leone Mineral Wealth Fund.
He has the nerve to have already updated his CV to reflect the new role as Chief Executive Officer of Mineral Wealth Funds (Sierra Leone) Ltd. Imagine at a time when seasoned Sierra Leoneans are out there looking for opportunities to contribute to national development, we are putting our mineral wealth fund in the hands of a foreigner having a High School Diploma as his highest verifiable qualification. This is sad. This is how we are throwing away our future as a country.
The sad thing is that all of this is happening because some very high-ranking government officials, including cabinet ministers, are fighting tooth and nail to maintain him as CEO of the Mineral Wealth Fund and for President Bio to sign the agreement with his Mount View company for their own personal benefit at the expense of the country and our future. It is these politicians that are now putting pressure on President Bio while misleading him into thinking that the Mount View deal is a good one for the country. It is a good thing that the President has resisted all pressure and is taking his time to review the agreement before making any commitment. We shall continue to assist the President by providing vital information on why this deal is bad for the country as well as to expose those who are behind it.
As we continue to look into the matter, we shall bring you more information on this Igor Siberud and his backers in government.
Stay tuned for more.