The reason why the brave bird is so much loved by the people is because the bird always attacks issues but not personalities.
For some time now, the bird has been moving from hospital to hospital to see whether the “FREE HEALTH CARE” that was introduced by former President Ernest Bai Koroma in 2010 is still in existence.
After visiting almost all the hospitals in the country, what the brave bird saw and noticed was nothing to write home about.
The most respected animal could say without a hesitation that the “FREE HEALTH CARE” is dead and buried.
Government is all about continuity; one particular government cannot do it all at a go. So governance is like a stage, you come and play your part and leave a part for the next person.
The “FREE HEALTH CARE” was introduced in the country to assist the lactating-mothers, pregnant-women and children under five. But the program has taken a different dimension now.
From the look of things, it seems the whole program is now a thing of the past; it has been abandoned in totality by the present regime.
Upon investigation by the bird, in one of the hospitals in the country both Doctors and Nurses are asking pregnant-women, lactating-mothers and children under-five to pay them before treatment is administered to the patients.
The rate at which women are paying monies in hospitals today is unimaginable.
Simply put, the program is no longer in existence for the common man; it has been politicized for political gains.
The FREE HEALTH CARE was one of the best programs former President Koroma brought in the country during his tenure in office.
Today, children under five, lactating-mothers and pregnant-women are all being asked to pay for health care services, to pay for operation which was FREE during President Koroma time as President.