Bra Parrot through his inquisitiveness has noticed of late that some senior members in the opposition All People’s Congress (APC) party have for a very long time been very silent over the activities of the party especially prior to and after the 2023 general elections.
Of course those who know the clever and most experienced Bird well can attest to the fact that he is very much observant especially when it comes to issues of national development, and to the roving animal, political parties’ activities are of national interest to him.
From the observation of the Patriotic Bird about 85% of senior members in the APC are still very silent over party issues amidst the difficult challenges it’s going through after the June 24th elections.
Party bigwigs like erstwhile Vice President Sam Sumana, Richard Conteh, Alimamy P. Koroma, John Bonor Sesay, Kelfala Marrah John F. Kamara (JFK) are those expected be strongly behind the party in thick and thin, but have surprisingly and noticeably distanced themselves from it especially at this material time when their presence and contribution in whatever way is much needed.
Bra Parrot has been reliably informed after patient investigation that these senior members are only interested or take active part in party affairs once they realize they are going to benefit directly, which is why the only time you see them publicly or show up will be the time convention when they want leadership positions or what have you. Other than that, they are no longer interested because they just want to spend a dime on the party if it, the party is not in power.
Candidly, such notion is bad and in fact, Bra Parrot regarded such behavior as nothing more than greed because they only desire for themselves.
So Bra Parrot is of the view that, the best time for all interested persons wanting to become president or hold other prominent positions is when the party is opposition to start work to be able to win the hearts and minds of the people.
Make no mistake about it; the Wise Bird has observed that the APC is not as united as people see it from the outside.
As a respectable elderly person in the Republic, I want to give salient advice to my younger ones in the APC party that they should always remember that disunity in the opposition is the happiest moment of any incumbent party which they normally capitalize or use as an opportunity to cling on power.
Why it is that, big guns only come on board during elections campaign and not before?
As usual the wise bird went the length and breadth of the country to get the views of the people as to who between the two prominent names Sam Sumana and Joseph F. Kamara to succeed the 2023 flag-bearer of the APC.