For involving into gay activities, Police Declares Ibrahim Mansaray wanted
By Alfred B Koroma-Consultant Editor
The definition of government sometimes varies, some government students defined government as a set of people elected or selected to run the affairs of a State.
To those uneducated people government is defined as government for the people, by the people and of the people, meaning everybody is part of the government, whether or not one belongs to any of the three arms of government i.e. Executive, Judiciary and Legislative.
This is more reason why every sitting government must adhere to the fundamental principles of State Policy.
The Constitution of the Republic of Sierra Leone is very clear on the fundamental principles of State Policy. It says I quote: Chapter (2) All organs of government and all authorities and persons exercising Legislative, Executive or Judicial powers shall conform to, observe and apply the provisions of Chapter(2) of the Constitution.
(b) That is to say, the security, peace and welfare of the people of Sierra Leone shall be the primary purpose and responsibility of every sitting Government, and to this end it shall be the duty of the Armed forces, the Police officers and all security agents to protect and safeguard the people of Sierra Leone.
6.(2) Accordingly, the State shall promote national integration and unity and discourage discrimination on the grounds of place of origin, circumstance of birth, sex, region, status, ethnic or linguistic association or ties.
6.(4) The State shall protect and defend the liberty of the individual, enforce the rule of law and ensure the efficient functioning of Government services.
The Constitution has said it all but is the government of yesterday and even today adhering to what the constitution says, which are the welfare of the people, discourage discrimination, promote national integration, both past and present government have failed in these areas. The police are taking sides by way of protecting the government of the day and not the people.
Civil servants support political parties openly even the Armed Forces that are supposed to be very neutral do the same not to talk of police officers as for the forth-estate nothing to write home about, today politics is part of us, because a good number of us wants to get rich over night at the detriment of the nation.
In present Sierra Leone everybody is a politician simply because politics is the simplest way to make money.