The Auditor General’s Report on the Account of Sierra Leone has revealed a lot of anomalies in Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDA’s).
In page 137 of the Audit report on the Ministry of Social Welfare made clear certain anomalies in the interest of the State.
According to the report, the Ministry awarded contract to the same supplier using different names.
On the 25th August, 2021 the Ministry awarded a contract worth Le 1,451,250,000 for the supply of skills training tools for persons with disabilities to “IN2 Sierra Leone Ltd”.
In 2021, even though the contractor’s business name had been changed on 22nd August, 2019 to “IN2 Sierra Leone Travel Limited.
The report went further to disclose that, the Freetown City Council certificate attached to the bid document was issued on 11th August 2021, while the evaluation was done on 9th August 2021, disqualifying “IN2 Sierra Leone Limited” for the contract award.
The report also stated that, a contract worth Le85, 582, 681.000 in respect of the Minister’s travel to the United States of America was awarded on 19th October, 2021 to “IN2 Sierra Leone Travel Limited.
However, the report further stated that, NASSIT clearance, NRA tax clearance and Freetown City council certificate submitted were for “IN2 Sierra Leone Limited” instead of “IN2 Sierra Leone Travel Limited”.